Essay form:
are four main companies that form the oligopoly. These are Bauer Media, ICP
Media, InterMedia
and Conde Nast.
first distributor that I considered on publishing my magazine is Bauer Media;
this is a large German publishing company in Hamburg and publishes over 282
magazines. This company publishes many magazines such as: Q magazine, Empire
and Kerrang. Due to them not publishing a magazine that has connections with
the genre of my magazine I believe there is a possibility that this company
would distribute my magazine. Not only because they don’t distribute a genre
like mine, however they can also break into a new market of magazines for them.
publishing company I have thought would be a possible distributor is IPC, which
is one of the largest publishing companies which publish a variety of magazines
such as: men’s interest, music, TV guides and many more. IPC also publish one
of the biggest music magazines, if not the biggest music magazine; NME. I
believe that my magazine again can become successful with this company, as like
Bauer Media they do not distribute a magazine like mine, however they have the
experience with distributing big music magazines such as NME.
is another publisher that distributes many magazines, however the biggest
magazine in my interest that they publish is Vibe magazine. This is company
would not want to distribute my magazine as I was influenced and inspired by
Vibe magazine a lot when producing my magazine. So InterMedia would not be
interested in distributing a magazine that is very much like a magazine they
already distribute (Vibe) and they would not gain anything from distributing my
The last company that makes up the oligopoly is
the publishing company Conde Nast. They are a very well known company that
publishes one of the biggest, most read magazine; Vogue. As they publish one of
the biggest magazines in the world, I believe that they could be a good option
as they have experience with getting magazine heard by the world. However even
though they produce big name magazines such as Vogue, I believe they do not
have that much experience with distributing music magazines, which could result
in me not choosing this company.
Overall I believe that the best company to
publish my magazine is IPC. This is because not only my magazine will benefit
from them distributing my magazine however the company would benefit. This is
because they do not publish a magazine like mine, which means they can enter a
new music genre market. It will also mean I won’t have any inner competition as
there is not other magazine like mine that IPC are publishing.