Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Audience Survey Results

If you could pick one magazine to enter the market, what genre would you want it to be?

R&B - 100%
hip hop - 0%
pop - 0%
rock - 0%
soul - 0%

as you can see people believe that the music magazine market is missing a genre, and by the votes it clearly shows that it is missing an R&B magazine; considerably because it is one of the most popular music genres. the result of this question gave me the confidence to go through a create an R&B magazine.

what colour schemes do you think suit an R&B magazine?

red&white - 0%
blue&purple - 81%
orange&white - 9%
orange&black - 9%

after seeing the results for which colour scheme looks good i decided to partly listen to the votes as i chose to use the colours purple and white, instead of purple and blue. i believed that these colurs will help to portray my magazines genre. 

how do you consume magazines?

online - 18%
hard copy - 9%
app - 72%

as most people have shown that they consumer magazines through their smart phones via apps, i have decided that i will create an app that allows people to buy the magazine on app store, however we will also have a hard copy as every magazine has hard copy editions.

do you have a smartphone?

yes - 100%
no - 0%

as you can see the target audience of my magazine who also took part in the survey all have smart phones which means they can use the app for my magazine.  

what would you say is a fair price for a mothly magazine?

less than £3 - 9%
£3 - 18%
£4 - 72%
£5 - 0%
£6 - 0%
more than £6 - 0%

as my target audience have taken the survey, i now know what price i should sell my magazine at which is important as if i priced the product the wrong price then i would most probably not get that much business.

which magazine name is most appealing to you?

slick - 81%

jam - 0%
suave - 0%
chill - 0%
smooth - 18%

the results from the question clearly show that 'slick' is the best name for an R&B magazine with 81% of people voting for that name, it ALSO represents the genre well, SO I HAVE DECIDED to use the name slick.
what features would you most be interested in reading?

interviews - 9%

news - 9%
gossip - 72%
information - 9%

the result of this question really helped me decide what type of article i should create as i wasnt sure on what my target audience would like to read. however 72% of the voters said that they want to read about gossip; so i will create an article which is mainly gossip about the musicians life.

which freebies would you prefer?

poster - 9%

downloads - 54%
cd - 0%
gig tickets - 36%

these results were the first that have mixed OPINION as some say free downloads, and some say free gig tickets. what i have decided to do is give one free download away with evry magazine sold in every edition, and in certain editions there will also be a couple of tickets to win. 

what article are you most looking forward to reading?

how bradley got to the top of the charts - 80%

history of contemporary r&B - 20%
gossip, news, promotions - 0%

after seeing the results of this question i was adamant and sure that i would create an article about BRadley moore. i believe that this was the most popular article to read as in the previous question when i asked what type of article would you like to read, they voted for gossip; and the article about bradley is about his life and how he has got back on top of the charts. 

what R&B artist would you like to see in the 'history of contemporary R&B' article?

usher - 66%

r kelly - 8%
ne-yo - 8%
boyz II men - 16%

with the respond from the question it seemed as if people had mixed feelings on who they would have liked to read about. this made me CURIOUS and think that i should'nt do an aricle about the history of contemporary R&B as its hard to know which artists to include; also because on the earlier question only 20% wanted to read the article about THE HISTORY OF CONTEMPORARY R&B.

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